EC2 module

class EC2.AWSAuthConnection(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, is_secure=True, server='', iam_server='', port=None, region=None)

Bases: object

Creates an authorized connection to EC2 containing wrappers for Query API calls.

Each API call has a matching method on this class to perform the appropriate E2 action.

@ivar verbose: Verbosity flag, defaults to false. If set to true, some debug information is printed.

add_role_to_instance_profile(instance_profile_name, role_name)

Makes an IAM C{AddRoleToInstanceProfile} call.

@param name: The name of the instance profile to update.

@param name: The name of the role to add.


Makes an C{AllocateAddress} call.

associate_address(publicIp, instanceId)

Makes an C{AssociateAddress} call.

@param publicIp: Address to associate @param instanceId: Instance to associate address with

attach_role_policy(policy_arn, role_name)

Makes an IAM C{AttachRolePolicy} call.

@param policy_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

@param role_name: The name (friendly name, not ARN) of the role to attach the policy to.

auth_revoke_impl(groupName, ipProtocol=None, fromPort=None, toPort=None, cidrIp=None, sourceSecurityGroupName=None, sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId=None)

Processes parameters for C{authorize} and C{revoke}.

@param groupName: Name of security group to modify.

@param ipProtocol: IP protocol in rule. Valid vlaues are C{‘tcp’}, C{‘udp’} and C{‘icmp’}.

@param fromPort: Bottom of IP port range in rule.

@param toPort: Top of IP port range in rule.

@param cidrIp: CIDR IP range in rule.

@param sourceSecurityGroupName: Security group name in rule.

@param sourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: User id of security group in rule.

authorize(*args, **kwargs)

Makes an C{AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress} call.

L{authorize} and L{revoke} share parameter parsing code. See L{auth_revoke_impl} for parameters. Also, see API docs for details of valid parameter combinations.

confirm_product_instance(productCode, instanceId)

Makes a C{ConfirmProdcutInstance} call.

@param productCode: The product code to confirm

@param instanceId: The instance for which to confirm the product code.

create_instance_profile(name, path=None)

Makes an IAM C{CreateInstanceProfile} call.

@param name: The name of the instance profile to create.

@path: The path to the instance profile.


Makes a C{CreateKeypair} call.

@param keyName: Name for the new keypair.

create_role(name, policy, path=None)

Makes an IAM C{CreateRole} call.

@param name: The name of the role to create.

@param policy: String containing the trust relationship policy document that grants an entity permission to assume the role.

@path: The path to the role.

create_securitygroup(groupName, groupDescription)

Makes a C{CreateSecurityGroup} call.

@param groupName: Name of group to create.

@param groupDescription: Brief description of security group.


Makes a C{DeleteKeypair} call.

@param keyName: Name of keypair to delete.


Makes a C{DeleteSecurityGroup} call.

@param groupName: Name of security group to delete.


Makes a C{DeregisterImage} call.

@param imageId: The image id to deregister.


Makes a C{DescribeAddresses} call.

@param publicIps: List of addresses to describe. If empty or omitted, all addresses will be described.


Makes a C{DescribeAvailabilityZones} call.

@param zoneNames: List of availability zones to describe. If empty or omitted, all availability zones will be described.

describe_image_attribute(imageId, attribute)

Makes a C{DescribeImageAttribute} call.

@param imageId: AMI to describe attribute of.

@param attribute: Name of attribute to describe.

describe_images(imageIds=None, owners=None, executableBy=None)

Makes a C{DescribeImages} call.

@param imageIds: List of images to describe. If empty or omitted, all images visible to the user are returned.

@param owners: List of users to filter returned images by owner. If empty or omitted, no filtering is done.

@param executableBy: List of users (or user groups) to filter returned images by execution permissions. If empty or omitted, no filtering is done.

describe_instance_attribute(instanceId, attribute)

Makes a C{DescribeInstanceAttribute} call.

@param instanceId: instance to retrieve the attribute from

@param attribute: Name of attribute to retrieve


Makes a C{DescribeInstances} call.

@param instanceIds: List of instances to describe. If empty or omitted, all instances will be returned.


Makes a C{DescribeKeypairs} call.

@param keyNames: List of keypairs to describe. If empty or omitted, all keypairs are returned.


Makes a C{DescribeSecurityGroups} call.

@param groupNames: List of security groups to describe. If empty or omitted, all security groups will be described.


Makes a C{DisassociateAddress} call.

@param publicIp: Address to disassociate

encode(aws_secret_access_key, str, urlencode=True)
get_aws_auth_param(params, aws_secret_access_key)

Makes a C{GetConsoleOutput} call.

@param instanceId: Instance from which to get console output.


Makes an IAM C{GetInstanceProfile} call.

@param name: The name of the instance profile to get information about.


Makes an IAM C{GetRole} call.

@param name: The name of the role to get information about.

get_signature_version_2(params, aws_secret_access_key)
get_signature_version_4(params, service)
make_request(action, params, data='', service='ec2', signature_version=None)
modify_image_attribute(imageId, attribute, operationType, **kwargs)

Makes a C{ModifyImageAttribute} call.

@param imageId: AMI to modify attribute of.

@param attribute: Name of attribute to modify.

@param operationType: Operation to perform on attribute.

@param kwargs: Values for the attribute operation, documented below.

@kwarg userIds: List of userIds (valid with C{‘launchPermission’} attribute.)

@kwarg userGroups: List of userGroups (valid with C{‘launchPermission’} attribute.)

pathlist(key, arr)

Converts a key and an array of values into AWS query param format.


Makes a C{RebootInstances} call.

@param instanceIds: List of instances to reboot.


Makes a C{RegisterImage} call.

@param imageLocation: The location of the image manifest to register in S3.


Makes a C{ReleaseAddress} call.

@param publicIp: Address to release

reset_image_attribute(imageId, attribute)

Makes a C{ResetImageAttribute} call.

@param imageId: AMI to reset attribute of.

@param attribute: Name of attribute to reset.

revoke(*args, **kwargs)

Makes an C{RevokeSecurityGroupIngress} call.

L{authorize} and L{revoke} share parameter parsing code. See L{auth_revoke_impl} for parameters. Also, see API docs for details of valid parameter combinations.

run_instances(imageId, minCount=1, maxCount=1, keyName=None, groupIds=None, userData=None, base64Encode=True, addressingType=None, instanceType=None, availabilityZone=None, kernelId=None, ramdiskId=None, blockDeviceMapping=None, iamInstanceProfile=None)

Makes a C{RunInstances} call.

@param imageId: AMI id to launch instances of.

@param minCount: Minimum number of instances to launch. If EC2 cannot launch at least this many, the call will fail.

@param maxCount: Maximum number of instances to launch. EC2 will make a best-effort attempt to launch this many instances, but will not fail unless fewer than C{minCount} are available.

@param keyName: Name of keypair to launch instances with.

@param groupIds: List of security groups to launch instances in.

@param userData: String containing user data to inject into launched instances.

@param base64Encode: Specifies whether C{userData} string qshould be base64 encoded. Defaults to True.

@param addressingType: Specifies the address scheme to use for the instance. The supported (default) type is C{“public”}, or C{None} for the default. See the “Instance Addressing” section of the latest developer guide for more information.

@param availabilityZone: Specifies the availability zone to launch in.

@param kernelId: Kernel to launch the instances with.

@param ramdiskId: Ramdisk to launch the instances with.

@param blockDeviceMapping: Specifies the virtual block device mapping. This parameter is a list of two element lists or tuples. The first element is the virtual name and the second is the device name.

@param iamInstanceProfile: The IAM instance profile. This is used to grant the instances permission to access AWS services.

sign(key, msg)
signature_key(key, dateStamp, regionName, serviceName)

Makes a C{TerminateInstances} call.

@param instanceIds: List of instances to terminate.

class EC2.AddRoleToInstanceProfileResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{AddRoleToInstanceProfile} API call.

class EC2.AllocateAddressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{AllocateAddress} API call.

class EC2.AssociateAddressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{AssociateAddress} API call.

class EC2.AttachRolePolicyResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{AttachRolePolicy} API call.

class EC2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress} API call.

class EC2.ConfirmProductInstanceResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{ConfirmProductInstance} API call.

class EC2.CreateInstanceProfileResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{CreateInstanceProfile} API call.

class EC2.CreateKeyPairResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{CreateKeyPair} API call.

class EC2.CreateRoleResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{CreateRole} API call.

class EC2.CreateSecurityGroupResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{CreateSecurityGroup} API call.

class EC2.DeleteKeyPairResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DeleteKeyPair} API call.

class EC2.DeleteSecurityGroupResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DeleteSecurityGroup} API call.

class EC2.DeregisterImageResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DeregisterImage} API call.

class EC2.DescribeAddressesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeAddresses} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'addressesSet/item'
class EC2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeAvailabilityZones} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'availabilityZoneInfo/item'
class EC2.DescribeImageAttributeResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeImageAttribute} API call.

class EC2.DescribeImagesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeImages} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'imagesSet/item'
class EC2.DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeInstanceAttribute} API call.

class EC2.DescribeInstancesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.InstanceSetResponse

Response parser class for C{DescribeInstances} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'reservationSet/item'
class EC2.DescribeKeyPairsResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeKeyPairs} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'keySet/item'
class EC2.DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DescribeSecurityGroups} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'securityGroupInfo/item'
class EC2.DisassociateAddressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{DisassociateAddress} API call.

class EC2.GetConsoleOutputResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

class EC2.GetInstanceProfileResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{GetInstanceProfile} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'GetInstanceProfileResult/InstanceProfile'
class EC2.GetRoleResponse(http_response)

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{GetRole} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'GetRoleResult/Role'
class EC2.InstanceSetResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response containing instance set items


Parse a set of instanceSet/item nodes

class EC2.ModifyImageAttributeResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{ModifyImageAttribute} API call.

class EC2.RebootInstancesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{RebootInstances} API call.

class EC2.RegisterImageResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{RegisterImage} API call.

class EC2.ReleaseAddressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{ReleaseAddress} API call.

class EC2.ResetImageAttributeResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{ResetImageAttribute} API call.

class EC2.Response(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: object

Base class for XML response parsers.

This class does everything except the API-call dependent parsing, which is handled in the child classes below. Each child class should override the L{parse} method.

ERROR_XPATH = 'Errors/Error'
find(element, xpath)
findall(element, xpath)
findtext(element, xpath)
class EC2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{RevokeSecurityGroupIngress} API call.

class EC2.RunInstancesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.InstanceSetResponse

Response parser class for C{RunInstances} API call.

class EC2.TerminateInstancesResponse(http_response, service='ec2')

Bases: EC2.Response

Response parser class for C{TerminateInstances} API call.

ELEMENT_XPATH = 'instancesSet/item'