cop2toolutils module

cop2toolutils.chooseAndOpenImageFile(scriptargs, start_with_default_file)

Opens a file chooser that allows the user to select an image file(s). For each chosen file, a File COP node is created to open that file.

cop2toolutils.customStateTool(scriptargs, statename, nodename=None, clicktoplace=None, translate_parm_name=None)

Starts a viewer state in an available Compositing Viewer or Context Viewer. This state will then be responsible for creating the COP node.

cop2toolutils.genericTool(scriptargs, nodetypename, nodename=None, exact_node_type=True)

Creates a COP node. If the tool is invoked from the TAB menu in the compositor viewer (or from the shelf and a compositing view can be found), then the node is created by setting a COP state in the viewer for a given node type. If the compositor viewer cannot be found, we use generic tools to create a COP node (which most likely will be created as if the tool was invoked in a network pane).

cop2toolutils.openImageFile(scriptargs, file_name)

Opens a file chooser that allows the user to select an image file(s). For each chosen file, a File COP node is created to open that file.