fileutils module

fileutils.makeTileSeqFilename(filename, tilex, tiley, stride, pad=1)

Generates a UVTile filename by adding _X_Y before the extension based on the tilex and tiley parameters. Numbers are zero padded to pad digits.

fileutils.makeUDIMFilename(filename, tilex, tiley, stride=10)

Generates a UDIM filename by adding _N before the extension based on the tilex, tiley, and stride parameters.

fileutils.makeUVTileFilename(filename, tilex, tiley, pad=1)

Generates a UVTile filename by adding _X_Y before the extension based on the tilex and tiley parameters. Numbers are zero padded to pad digits.

fileutils.makeXYTileFilename(filename, tilex, tiley)

Generates a XYTile filename by adding _X_Y before the extension based on the tilex and tiley parameters. Numbers are zero padded to pad digits.