terraintoolutils module

terraintoolutils.buildColorRamp(node, parm, interp, ramplist)

Sets up a color ramp multiparm according to the list of ramp keyframe pairs.

terraintoolutils.buildNameMenu(node, input_num=0)

Returns a list of all names in the input. The names are duplicated to produce proper menus for Houdini’s parameters

terraintoolutils.buildRamp(node, parm, interp, ramplist)

Sets up a ramp multiparm according to the list of ramp keyframe pairs.

terraintoolutils.computeInputRange(node, fieldname=None, groupname=None, input_num=0)

Returns a tuple of the min/max volume range of the given input of the given node.

terraintoolutils.createMaskPaint(kwargs, layername='mask', input_num=1)

Adds a heightfield_paint node on the given input, if it does not already exist. Sets it as the current tool and ensures it is editing the requested mask.


Creates a canyon landscape


Creates a dune landscape


Creates a patch of rolling hills.


Creates a islands landscape


Creates a lunar landscape


Creates a solitary peak


Create a patch of rocky low lands. Replaces the old hills, thus the similar naming of nodes.


Creates a scenic valley

terraintoolutils.hasNamedLayer(node, layername)

Returns true if the node has the named layer.